Sunday, October 4, 2009

Prayers please . . .

This is a card I made for a former co-worker's nephew who has been fighting neuroblastoma for about 4 years. I met this special little boy one time. He loves beagles, and since I do too, I decided to make this card for him. I put on the inside of the card that I was sending hugs and Lexi (our beagle) was sending slobbery kisses. I printed a photo of Lexi and included it with the card. I mailed the card last Tuesday, the day he went into the hospital with a fever of 103. He's been struggling since, and I've learned today that he passed away early this morning. I feel so bad because I should have mailed his card sooner!

Please, please say a prayer for the Koontz family. My heart breaks for them.


Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh Tammy, I am so sorry... I will keep his family and you in my prayers.

DeeDee said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's loss. I stopped to pray for them.