I just finished making this Father's Day card for my Dad. I've always said he's my hero. He was a coal mine owner until he got hurt in the mine about 15 years ago. He would come home at night so black that all you could see was the whites of his eyes. He taught me how to drive a stick shift, he took a front end loader and moved my first home (a used mobile home) to our property, and he even used that front end loader to move dirt when we had a small landslide at that property. Another awesome thing he did for me was when I turned 16, he bought me a car. It only had an AM radio and no A/C, but it was a car! He let me write checks to him every month to help pay for it (I was working a part-time job), and then he didn't cash the checks. He kept telling me that he was going to cash them, but after a year, he said that he wasn't going to cash them, that was teaching me to be responsible, and it worked! What a guy!
This picture was taken of me, my Dad, and my older sister in 1963 on Easter Sunday.
I thank God for my Daddy!